The Arves E. Jones, Sr. Transit Center at Northgate includes a plaza with a large public art piece called Torre de las Flores. I was hired by the artist to capture photos of the piece along with the plaza where it sits. Here are some photos from this project.

Torre de las Flores at Northgate Transit Center

The spire is a reflection of the similar landmark that once marked the Northeast skyline at Sunrise Shopping Center.

Architectural Photography of Northgate Transit Center

The yellow discs reflect the poppies that periodically dot the foothills in the nearby Franklin Mountains.

Architectural Photography of Northgate Transit Center

El Paso Architectural Photographer

Arves E. Jones Transit Center in El Paso, TX

In addition to photos of the sculpture in its entirety and within the layout of the plaza, I captured some detail shots.

Torre de las Flores in El Paso TX

Dusk Architectural Photographer in El Paso

The spire includes multi-colored lighting that runs in fiber optic tubes along the edges to the point at the top.

Torre de las Flores

As the sun sets the lighting scheme takes over and transforms the look of the plaza.

Torre de las Flores in El Paso Texas

Architectural Photography in El Paso, Texas

El Paso Architectural Photographer

El Paso Architectural Photographer

El Paso Professional Architectural Photographer